On Neglect

Hey there, mere cognition blog thing. It's mostly been a minute. A long while back, I was going to write as I went through the epistles.

God decided life needed to get weird again.

So the writing went by the wayside.

A lot has happened as I neglected you. There have been ups and downs and lefts and rights.

Somewhere along the way, I thought about the nature of being and God's design of us - how we propagate traits down family lines.

I thought about a lot of other things too.

Most of all, though, I thought about a jewel that is most precious to me. Not more precious than Christ, but close behind.

I think I shall make time to begin writing again. That jewel will need to know things at future times.

The best time to plant a shade tree is twenty years ago. The second best time to plant a shade tree is now.