On medication
Over the past year or so, I've been seeing more advertisements for antidepressant medications such as Auvelity (a Wellbutrin/DXM mix) and Spravato (a ketamine-derived nasal spray). I find that particularly interesting. What most people don't know about me is that, a little over 20 years ago, I experienced long-term depression. (This was likely more me being a whiny little kid, but I digress.. the experience was real enough.) The SSRIs I tried never worked, so I used my reasoning skills and interest in neurochemistry to.. self medicate. Most of the other group of people I associated with were just dabbling recreationally but I always had a reason behind it. Anecdotally, I can vouch for some of these psychoactive and dissociative substances having short-to-medium term effects on mood and increased post-administration cognitive clarity. So it's interesting to see the medicine catch up. Two decades seems to be the average lag time. Nonetheless, this sort of thing is not a permanent...