Posts tagged with “Chaos”

Careful Asking Questions

This is a repost from FB.

Facebook likes to ask me what I am thinking about. This is the type of stuff I think about, and probably the reason I'm not popular at parties.

Tohuwabohu - a German word, borrowed from Hebrew. Some translate it as meaning "nothingness", "void", "desolation" - words like that. However, there's other Hebrew terms for those words. Biblically, the term is likely more equivalent to "chaos". It shows up at the beginning of Genesis.

Contemporarily, chaos is defined in several ways: "a state of utter confusion", "a confused mass or mixture", "the inherent unpredictability in the behavior of a complex natural system."

I'm an agent of tohuwabohu in the latter sense. So are you. You think your life is ordered and comfortable. Underneath, in the fundamental world of matter that God spoke into existence, chaos reigns. Ordered chaos, but it looks like near chaos to us because it's difficult to even fathom.

Everything just so, balanced on the head of a proverbial pin to allow us to perform infinitely more complex actions. Just the simple act of grasping an object takes amazing feats of biocellular mechanics and physics, and the properties of your own body and of the object are built up from fundamental forces that we've only scratched the surface of.

If you can think on God's creation and not have your face just about melt, you're not thinking deeply enough about God's creation. It is absolutely amazing.

Be an agent of chaos. Recognize your monster. Then master them, using the Master above all.