Posts tagged with “haymaker”

On Neglect

Hey there, mere cognition blog thing. It's mostly been a minute. A long while back, I was going to write as I went through the epistles.

God decided life needed to get weird again.

So the writing went by the wayside.

A lot has happened as I neglected you. There have been ups and downs and lefts and rights.

Somewhere along the way, I thought about the nature of being and God's design of us - how we propagate traits down family lines.

I thought about a lot of other things too.

Most of all, though, I thought about a jewel that is most precious to me. Not more precious than Christ, but close behind.

I think I shall make time to begin writing again. That jewel will need to know things at future times.

The best time to plant a shade tree is twenty years ago. The second best time to plant a shade tree is now.

Make Hay

Make hay, Haymaker.

Your weapons
are clarity and
the sword of the spirit.

From under
your helm of salvation you
will bring forth your war cry.

your sabatons of peace,
your shield of faith firmly in

From the belt of truth
pull your horn, beat
your mighty fists on your
breastplate of righteousness and

blow a note so mighty and clear
as to strike
into the heart of your enemies,
and into the heart of
the enemies of God.