Posts tagged with “Slavery”

Historical Perspectives

While having an interesting conversation with someone regarding slavery, indentured servitude, and bondservantry, comparing and contrasting the concepts as practiced in Biblical times and in more recently history, I was reminded of how we often have a poor (in the erroneous sense) ability to keep an accurate view of the past.

We humans are prone to an innumerable amount of error. The further removed we are from an event, the more of these errors encroach on our own views. Our understanding becomes skewed from secondary source material that does not reveal its underlying agenda. Other people in our echo chamber reinforce fabrications and falsehoods. Our ability to discern becomes dulled, to the point where we have difficulty contextualizing even primary source material. We even get to the point where we outright reject interacting with the primary source material due to numerous factors.

The topic of slavery is a good example of this, as a person may refuse to even consider going back to primary sources due to past trauma. And even if they do, there is always the chance a dulled discernment will cause them to reject whatever truth may actually be revealed by those primary sources.

We play a dangerous game by letting the sins of the past dictate our future. I could provide dozens of contemporary examples of this concept but they are easily researched. The correct way forward is to ground ourselves with a bedrock of truth, then use that bedrock to rightly discern what is right, especially in terms of moving forward from past historical trauma.

You may disagree with me, but my bedrock is the truth provided in the Bible, and my hope is in Christ Jesus. This may seem like folly to you. That is understandable, but I am not convinced. Hope is based primarily in faith, reinforced by reason.

I invite you to interact with my truth humbly, and with an open mind. Soften your heart and do not go to your grave harboring the evils of this world. Ultimately, you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.