Posts tagged with “Trust”

Lord, I look upon your works

Oh Lord, I look upon your works
Mighty and majestic
You give wind to wings and provision to beasts
You hold the earth in your heavens
Give light to the stars
And order to chaos.

I lift my head up to you, I praise your steadfastness
For you are my God, my redeemer
The one who bore me out of iniquity and
The one who gives me strength.

Why then, oh Lord, do you suffer such iniquity,
Mighty to correct me yet turn your eye from others in their wickedness?
They succor themselves with their pride;
They whitewash their unbelief with the word of their heart
Hardened, blackened, and unwilling to obey
Your precepts clear as the fresh fallen snow.

Your ways are righteous; your will clear in your word
You are my fortress, my witness, and my sustainer
I will wait, my God and my creator; I will wait on you, for in you my hope lives freely.

You are righteous in your ways, and I may not understand them
But they are nonetheless your ways.
So I will wait on you, for your will always be done.

I come to you daily, sinfully soiling that which you give me
I come to you, and I ask for forgiveness for my unbelief
And you, in your mercy, give me another day, without spot,
when I should rightly be condemned for my sin.

I know, my God, that I did nothing to deserve this;
Yet your steadfast love washes over me
Like water, cleansing me of my transgressions against you.

Heed wisdom, O peoples
Understand my words
My Lord, my God does not turn his eye
His reasons we are His own, his ways unfathomable
But the one who sees in secret is faithful.

Do not trust in your own thoughts,
That sin abounds because he is absent;
Remember that we see only through a mirror dimly
Rest in His steadfast love
And soon face to face.

Poetry: Distance and Time

We're safe here, she said, safe here
We all must be mistaken here
With miles of barren desert between
Scorched by wrath, bereft of life
Wind whispers lies into ears unseen
Destroyer of worlds, I've become to thee
That ruse has become our reality

Somewhere in this static dream
Calls from afar to battles unseen
I hear them as a reminder of what
You once were to someone given to thee
Like rage upon an albatross, mocking
and mocking the man of straw in me

The silence frozen, cold, bereft of grace
Leads us both to conclusions we dared not face
Yet time has built instead of eroded
Mountains we think the other thinks they can erase
An errand of fools this is
An errand of fools this is

Rising from the ashes of the doom
It took two to create
Sinful beings being sinful, both ignoring
Mandates given and statutes placed
Harbor of ice, this frozen embrace
Over cold winter's wind we can not hear it;
The words and the thoughts are misplaced

Riddles of riddles both understand, contextualized
Yet war from below slips in a virus disguised
Jumbled and jostled, the lyrical refrains
Talking in circles instead of face to face
Is there fear? Is there hate? What does God say?
It may be wise to to assess in this pitiful state

Compassion atrophied, a warrior poet once spake
Makes both forget that mountains are moved
And ocean basins scraped
By one and only one, the One in Three
And perhaps what I am to you is unclear
For it is only for Him to see until time appointed
If those plans be of He. Who can know, down here?
Until it is revealed to to one, to all, to we
The daughter is the main concern; Anything else
Is left at the feet of Christ the King.